The official start of summer is just a couple weeks away. Along with the summer heat, Tucson and surrounding areas will be inundated with pests.
Here are some of the top bugs to look out for now that the temperatures are rising.
1. Africanized bees
Out of all of Arizona's venomous creatures, Africanized bees are responsible for the most deaths, experts state.
If you happen to come across bees or the hive, leave the area immediately. At the moment you think that they might be a danger to people or animals, call 911 or get in touch with your pest control provider. If you disrupt a hive, cover your head and run straight to shelter. Do NOT stop running until you've found safe shelter.
2. Scorpions
A common scorpion found in the area is the Bark Scorpion. It also has the most painful sting. Usually, people experience a sharp pain with numbness, tingling and possible vomiting. Their light brown/tannish color makes them hard to spot during the day. A black light can help you spot them at night. They can crawl up walls and scale furniture with ease and are more common in the rural areas.
3. Mosquitoes
Mosquitoes are the number one transmitter of West Nile disease which kills roughly 800 Americans every year. Getting rid of any standing water and unwanted vegetation will help reduce the amount of mosquito reproduction around your home.
4. Ticks
Ticks can also transmit harmful diseases. After camping or hiking, inspect for ticks on you and your pets. Pets may show signs of tick paralysis if they've been bitten, and the tick hasn't been removed.
5. Spiders
Spiders will often be attracted to wherever many bugs live. Houses that have a lot of light may see an increase in spiders in their home and area. A bite from some of these arachnids like the Desert Recluse and the Black Widow can cause serious illness and skin damage. In extreme cases Results from these types of bites have been much worse. The best advice is if you come across any of these creatures is to call an exterminator as soon as possible to avoid stings or bites. If you find yourself in a situation where you are in need of pest control services, Essential Pest Control is here for you. Call 520-886-3029 today!