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What Attracts Spiders to a Home?

June 4, 2024

Spiders are just one type of pest that many homeowners don't want in their homes, and when there are several of them, they can be especially frightening. Although spiders rarely carry diseases like other pests, they can pose a threat. Many varieties of spiders bite and leave painful injuries behind. There are also many types of spiders that are venomous.

According to the publication USA Spiders, there are approximately 3500 different species of spiders nationwide. Let’s look at a few things that will attract spiders to your house to help you avoid a spider infestation.

Insects and Water

Like all living things, spiders need food and water. They will seek this in your home if they can’t find enough outside. Your house provides a lot of food and water even if you don’t realize it. For instance, if you have leaky faucets that create a wet sink, spiders will seek out this moisture. They will also seek out moisture from leaks in other places like under sinks or behind toilets. Spiders also want food, and they like bugs. So, if your home has other types of bug problems, this could attract spiders as well. Exterminators can help if you develop a spider or other insect problem.

Cooler/Warmer Temperatures

Spiders might take refuge in your house if it has a more appealing temperature than the weather outside. Although this isn’t exactly something you can avoid, you need to be aware that you may see more spiders inside during the winter and summer months while they're looking for more comfortable accommodations. You need to keep your home sealed tight and fix any cracks or holes where spiders might come in.

Places to Hide

When spiders are getting ready to lay eggs, they’ll seek out hidden places where they can hide. If your home has a lot of clutter or accumulated trash, this is where spiders will go. If you keep your home decluttered and tidy, it can help a lot in discouraging the infestation of all bugs, including spiders.

These are just a few things that attract spiders to your home. If you want to avoid spiders congregating in your house, then you should avoid these issues. If you’re dealing with a spider infestation or other types of pests, we are here to help! Contact us today at Essential Pest Control for the professional exterminators you can rely on.

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