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What Attracts Bees to a Home?

November 22, 2023

The world wouldn't be the same without bees. After all, they pollinate so many crops that produce the food that we enjoy on our plates every day. Unfortunately, bees can also be pests if too many of them are swarming around your property. According to Business Wire, every year, 500 thousand people are admitted to the emergency room due to insect bites and stings. Whether you're allergic to bees or not, you certainly don't want them inside your home. If you're worried about a bee infestation, here are some things that are likely to attract these insects.


It's no secret that bees love flowers. After all, they go from flower to flower, pollinating them, and that's the first step in producing honey. So, if you have a property with flowers, you can expect to see the occasional bee around. If you're starting to develop a bee infestation, you may want to do some research on what types of flowers are attracting them the most.

Food and Water Source

Like any other insect, bees need water, so you can expect them to gravitate towards any water source available, such as a bird fountain or fish pond. Bees are highly attracted to certain food smells, especially foods that smell sweet or fruity. If you're having an outdoor picnic during the warmer weather months, keep things covered up to prevent bees from swarming around.


Have you noticed bees and other flying insects swarming around you when you wear perfume? That's because bees are attracted to certain fragrances, especially those that smell like flowers, fruit, or herbs. Since most perfumes and body sprays come from flower essences or resemble fruit smells, it's no surprise they may attract flying insects. So, if you're in an area that is prone to bee infestations, you may want to hold off on wearing perfume for a while.


Bees love bright colors. When dealing with a bee infestation, you may want to be mindful of wearing that bright yellow or orange dress. You may also want to consider repainting your home's exterior, as bees are much more likely to float around a brightly colored home.

It goes without saying that bees are vital for the environment. However, if your property is at risk of being overrun due to a bee infestation, you want to be mindful of how to prevent that. Don't risk being stung by a bee by handling their hive. Call pest control professionals who understand how to handle these pollinating insects safely. If you're experiencing a bee problem, contact Essential Pest Control for assistance today.

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