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How Do Rats Differ From Mice?

May 7, 2024

Many people confuse rats and mice with each other. This often leads people with a mouse problem to call professionals for rat removal services and vice versa. Learning the differences between the two is essential to ensure you relay accurate information to rodent removal services. This article will help you determine whether you have a rat or mouse problem.


Both rats and mice can reproduce quickly, but mice are well-known for producing more babies than rats. According to, a mouse may have 12 babies in three weeks. Rats, conversely, are known only to have six litters yearly, according to Quality Assurance & Food Safety. You’ll usually notice the population of mice increase rapidly.


Rats are notorious for being significantly larger than mice. This can be an easy way to tell them apart. Additionally, rats typically have a long tail that looks proportionate to their size, while mice have tails that look exceptionally long compared to the rest of their body.


Several other physical features can help you tell the difference between rats and mice. Rats are usually hairless, and their tails look like small scales. Mice tend to be softer and may have a thin layer of fur covering their tail. Mice have eyes and ears that are small like their body. Rats, however, have ears that appear too large compared to their head.


Mice and rats want to build a nest with plenty of food, water, and shelter. However, if they have the opportunity, rats will opt for an underground area outside. They prefer not to live in someone’s home unless that’s the only option available. Conversely, mice will happily come into your home to build a nest somewhere undisturbed, such as an attic or basement.


Rats and mice in the wild usually live short lives. However, rats are known for living a little bit longer than mice. According to Human Ageing Genomic Resources, rats can sometimes live as long as three years. A mouse, on the other hand, can live anywhere from six months to around two years, according to EarthKind.

We understand it can be challenging to differentiate between rats and mice. Our rat removal team at Essential Pest Control can help you determine what type of rodent is invading your home and work to eliminate the problem. Contact us today for more information.

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