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How Bed Bugs Can Harm You and Your Family

December 26, 2023

Bed bugs feed on human blood and are difficult to get rid of. Once they've established themselves in a structure, they multiply quickly. According to data collected by Forbes, a female bed bug usually lays between 200 and 250 eggs during its lifespan - which lasts about three to four months. A small problem you have at the beginning of summer can turn into a huge one by the end of it. This article explains the threats bed bugs pose to you and your family.

Health Risks and Allergic Reactions

You'll generally hear that bed bugs can't do much harm to the human body, even after dozens of bites per night. While it may be true that bed bugs only consume an insignificant amount of your blood, there are varied reactions to their bites. Some people are allergic to the bite of bed bugs, and many bites per night could turn into a health emergency very fast. If you aren't allergic, just knowing that there are bed bugs in your abode makes your skin crawl at night. These nocturnal feeders will make you feel too itchy and anxious to get a solid sleep.

Property Damage and Financial Impact

It can be hard to tell how big your infestation is until it's gotten out of hand. Bed bug exterminators will tell you that if you can see them during the day, that means it's too crowded inside your walls and furniture. These infestations can cause damage to whatever areas they are hiding in. When they are in your sofas or mattresses, it can't get to the point where the only effective measure is to throw out the furniture. Working with a bed bug exterminator can nip the problem in the bud before you've incurred great costs.

The Cost of Addressing the Problem

The bigger the infestation gets, the more expensive it will be to resolve the problem. The type of intervention and time necessary to exterminate the bed bugs rapidly notches up. A bad enough situation could even make it necessary for you to find another place to live for multiple days while the problem is addressed. This could be quite a fiasco for a family. Again, the best solution is to take care of the problem when detected.

For these reasons and more, you should work with a pest control company that specializes in bed bug extermination at the first indication of an infestation. It's also a good idea to have them come by for regular assessment even if you haven't noticed one yet. If you're in need of a dependable bed bug exterminator, contact Essential Pest Control today.

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