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Bees - Bee Careful around Them

February 9, 2021


Africanized Honey Bees - they can surround you in large numbers - hundreds, maybe thousands of them, swooping and stinging and injecting venom into your skin.

They have no problem going for your eyes. Or bees can fill up your mouth, nostrils and ears. The air fills with the pheromone that tells the bees to protect their colony. It doesn't take much at all for bees to be disturbed and for their natural alarm systems to be activated.

Venom of the Africanized honey bees is no more toxic than that of their European cousins. What makes them so dangerous is the sheer number which will attack. They are more aggressive and more easily agitated than other bees. Bees sting defensively but whereas only 10% of a group of European honey bees might defend their hive, the entire Africanized honey bee colony might participate in the attack.

Experts suggest running as fast as you can for up to or mare than 200 yards. If you can find indoor shelter, do so making sure all doors and windows are shut. If you notice a hive around your property, call a professional like Essential Pest Control to help with the bee removal 520-886-3029.

Remember...bee careful!

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