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6 Tips to Help Keep Rodents Away

December 5, 2022

Around this time of year rodents are in search of warm shelter where food is easy to come by.

As temperatures drop and food is hard to come by, rodents begin to invade homes across the US. As many as 48% of homeowners in the US reported rodent issues. Capable of carrying and spreading 35 diseases it is important to implement a prevention plan to keep yourself and your family protected from possible disease threats.

Even clean homes are at risk of rodent infestations, thankfully these tips can help prevent such risks:

  1. Install door sweeps on doors garage doors and repair damaged screens.
  2. Seal cracks and holes around exterior of home.
  3. Eliminate moisture sites - leaking pipes and clogged drains
  4. Store food in sealable containers
  5. Store firewood 15-20ft away from home and make sure all debris is removed.
  6. Keep attics, basements and crawl spaces ventilated and dry.

If you think you may have an infestation, give essential pest a call at 520-886-3029 or visit

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