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3 Ways to Keep Rodents Out

January 8, 2021
House Mouse - Keep rodents out

Here are 3 Ways to Keep Rodents Out - 2021 Edition

Did you know that rats are capable of entering structures through a hole smaller than a quarter? The mouse, on the other hand, can squeeze into holes as small as a dime. Unfortunately, old homes are full of cracks, holes, nooks, and crannies for these pests to wriggle through. This could explain your recent rodent infestation; however, it's also an important part of the solution for keeping rodents out.

When you put rodent control in control of conquering your unwanted colony of mice or rats, you can rest assured that you'll be rid of them soon. The next step in the eternal struggle between man and mouse is to ensure they never come back. If you're tired of setting mouse traps, here are some excellent preventative measures you can take against rodent kind.

Find The Gaps

Mice can get into your home very easily, and they can be just as annoying to deal with as rats. To prevent both from entering, find any and all quarter-inch holes that lead to the outside of your house and seal them shut. Remember, all of these efforts could be for nothing if you forget to close the front door, literally. Make sure to check screen windows, the gap between your front door and the floor, and any other forgettable locations that could be vulnerable to intrusion.

Befriend Neighborhood Cats

If you aren't ready to adopt a fluffy little kitty, or you're unsure about how much you actually like cats despite their internet fame, there's another way. While putting little slices of meat and cans of tuna around your house at random will probably just attract more mice to your property, feeding the neighborhood cats is a time honored rodent control technique. Let the felines flock to your yard and allow nature to run its course. If any mouse attempts to enter, your home will be well guarded by hunting cats on the prowl.

Food Safety

This is probably good advice in general, but when you leave food out, animals will try to eat it. This is true regardless of what you do to stop them. No amount of mercenary cats or scrupulous house sealing are going to stop a mouse that smells food and warmth. Seal your food before throwing it away, only eat in the kitchen or dining areas, and don't leave scraps of decomposing peanut butter and jelly sandwiches laying around.

Finally, when dealing with devious rodents that have already infiltrated your home, it's always best to put rodent control in control. After they've performed their ruthless rodent control services, the burden falls on you to maintain a rodent free life. Are you up to the task?

If you have any questions, concerns or in need of an inspection, Call us at Essential Pest Control 520-886-3029

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