3 Pests That Are Attracted to Restaurants

When customers visit your restaurant, you're focused on several things — the ambiance, the decor, the service, and the food. They're probably not thinking that they might have company lurking behind the walls in the form of pests. However, animals of all kinds love to go to places with a steady supply of fresh food and drinks. Here are three common pests that would give your restaurant five stars if they could.

1. Rodents

Mice and rats love to visit places that stock up on delicious foods. They can roam around the kitchens at night when the staff have gone away for the night. That's why restaurants need to be diligent and call exterminators if they notice signs of infestation such as droppings.

2. Cockroaches

There's a reason cockroaches are such a persistent problem. According to Penn State Expansion, these pests can survive two or three months without food and one month without water. Restaurant staff must be extremely diligent about how they store items and check for roaches all the time. It's also a good idea to call in exterminators if you suspect an infestation.

3. Flies

Flies are annoying no matter where they are. There's just something about seeing them flit around and land near you. This is an especially unwelcome sight for visitors to your restaurant, even more so if they land on food. Flies like to target the garbage outside, where there's often rotting meat, and then they quickly multiply. If you see them, call pest control quickly, as they can spread diseases.

It's important that you act fast if you spot one of these pests on your premises. If you don't, a guest may see one and call the health department. By taking the right preventative measures and calling in exterminators when needed, you'll be able to keep your doors open and be pest-free.

Are you looking for reliable exterminators in your area? Essential Pest Control has been open for 43 years and counting. When you hire us, you're hiring excellence — we have an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau, and we've also won awards in our industry. Contact us today to see how we can rid your restaurant of pests.

Why Is Commercial Pest Control So Important?

As a business owner, protecting your company facilities, inventory, employees and brand reputation is top priority. That's why implementing a comprehensive integrated pest management program through a commercial pest control service is so important. Pests in your workplace can cause much more than just an annoyance — they present real risks that can jeopardize your operations and bottom line if left unchecked. Let's take a closer look at some of the top reasons to invest in professional commercial pest control.

Maintaining a Safe Working Environment

Pests spread germs and bacteria that put your employees' health at risk. Rodents and cockroaches leave droppings that can transmit nasty diseases. Venomous spiders, wasps, and termites also introduce safety hazards for workers. Additionally, your customers and clients won't feel comfortable visiting a facility with an apparent pest problem, jeopardizing sales. Regular professional treatments keep these problems in check.

Preventing Contamination and Destruction

Food processing plants, restaurants, cafeterias, and any facilities where human or animal food is handled, prepared, served, or stored are particularly vulnerable to inventory contamination from pests. Just a small mouse infestation can taint hundreds of pounds of food, forcing very costly disposal and lost revenue. Wood and fabric are also easily prone to pest damage, so businesses that regularly use or sell items made from these materials can have their operations severely hurt by an infestation. Working with a reliable pest control company to keep bugs and rodents at bay is essential to prevent these issues.

Avoiding Costly Structural Damage

Destructive pests like rodents and termites do considerable damage to facilities by chewing through materials, nesting in walls, and tunneling. This compromises building structural integrity, wiring, insulation, plumbing lines, and more over time if an infestation goes unchecked. According to Realty Times, property owners in the U.S. spend an estimated $5 billion to repair termite damage every year. Repairing structural facility damage from pests gets very expensive. Routinely scheduled professional treatments can prevent damage before it escalates into major costly repairs.

Protecting Your Brand Reputation

News of pest problems in restaurants, hotels, schools, or retail establishments spreads rapidly on social media and review sites these days. Once your brand's reputation suffers from mentions of a pest problem, restoring lost trust and business is an uphill battle. Keeping facilities consistently pest-free through commercial pest control helps prevent PR nightmares and associated revenue losses. Customers will keep coming back when you assure clean, sanitary premises.

The bottom line is that you cannot afford to let pests jeopardize your business. Partnering with a reputable commercial pest control company pays off hugely in workplace safety, inventory protection, facility maintenance, and brand reputation over the long haul. If you're in need of pest control for your commercial building, Essential Pest Control is here to help. Contact us now to get started.

3 Common Myths About Termites

When it comes to effectively getting rid of termites, most homeowners aren't totally sure what pest control advice to believe. There are plenty of persisting myths and misconceptions floating around about these destructive wood-destroying insects. Being able to separate fact from fiction is the key to adequately protecting your home from termite infestations. Let's thoroughly debunk three of the most common myths about termites.

Myth 1: Only Certain Homes Are Susceptible to Infestations

Some people wrongly believe that termites only attack older homes located in hot, humid climates. But while factors like home age and damp conditions may increase the risk somewhat, the truth is that virtually any home can become infested with termites. Even newly constructed homes contain an abundance of cellulose-rich wood materials that all termites aggressively love to feed on. According to Realty Times, termites annually cause damage to around 600 thousand U.S. homes. That's why having periodic inspections by a professional is wise for all homeowners, regardless of home age or location, in order to catch any potential infestations early before major damage is done.

Myth 2: Obvious Signs of Infestation Will Be Present

There's a common misconception that if you have termites, you will clearly see obvious warning signs around your home like swarms, mud tubes, or wood damage. But in reality, termites are expert silent destroyers that often do immense damage secretly behind walls, under floors, and inside other concealed, dark spaces before any visible evidence appears. You may have no idea at all that a termite colony has invaded your home until catastrophic structural damage from their feeding occurs. You will then need to hire pest control for assistance in getting rid of termites.

Myth 3: Termites Only Consume Old Wood

It's often assumed that termites preferentially feed only on aged or decaying wood sources. But the reality is that while termites do favor older wood, they will gladly consume any species of wood in your home if given the opportunity. That antique wood heirloom or furniture passed down isn't necessarily any safer from termite damage than the framing lumber or plywood in your home's walls and structure. This is why thoroughly treating all wood materials regularly is so vital for protection, rather than falsely assuming certain woods are less appetizing or exempt.

Relying on myths and misinformation rather than factual pest control knowledge can put your valuable home at major risk for termite devastation. Stay proactive against termites by knowing the truth behind these common myths. If you need help getting rid of termites, Essential Pest Control is here to help. Reach out to us today to learn more or to get started.

4 Reasons Why Ants Are Attracted to Your House

Ants are among the most common reasons homeowners need to call pest control services. According to National Geographic, as many as 20 quadrillion ants are on the planet, and you don't want any of them in your home. Let's look at some reasons why ants may be invading your space.

1. Water

Water is essential for all forms of life, and ants are no different. Therefore, they may swarm around your kitchen looking for water just as much as food. Additionally, don't be surprised if you see them in your bathrooms or anywhere else that may be humid or wet. Conversely, if you've recently experienced heavy rain that has flooded ants out of their previous nest, they may move over to your home if it's the nearest dry spot.

2. Food

Even the tiniest crumb can be enough to get a swarm of ants on your floor. That’s why you should be mindful of open packages, spills, and even crumbs lingering on your countertops and floor. As pest control services will assure you, the best way to prevent an ant invasion is by thoroughly cleaning and using airtight containers for food.

3. Sugar

While ants love a variety of food, it's sugary foods that entice them the most. If you like to snack on cookies, cakes, candy, or anything sweet, remember that there may be some ants lingering in a nest nearby that are ready to share those treats with you. They like artificial, natural, raw, or cooked sugary foods, so ensure you keep them all contained.

4. Teamwork

Worker ants leave a trail of pheromones for other ants to follow once they discover tasty food. That’s why you may wake up and see a swamp of them encircling a spill or crumbs. They work together to take the food back to the nest.

An ant infestation is one of the most irritating problems you can deal with as a homeowner. Now that you understand some of the factors that tend to attract ants, you'll have a better way to prevent their invasions. If your home is starting to become overwhelmed by ants or any other type of pest, don't hesitate to contact our local pest control services at Essential Pest Control for assistance.

4 Myths About Rodents You Shouldn’t Believe

Though small, rodents reproduce with terrifying speed, carrying hazardous disease and destroying property at astonishing rates. Believing common myths enables their success while harming your household's health through complacency. Here are four common myths that rodent removal professionals regularly hear and the truth surrounding these misconceptions

Myth #1: Rodents Primarily Live Outdoors

While some rodents prefer fields and forests, others, like Norway rats and house mice, have adapted to indoor living. Attracted by warmth and food scraps, they build intricate networks of tunnels in walls and ceilings. Here, rodent families spawn sizable colonies just out of sight. Attempting do-it-yourself removal often disrupts tunnels, scattering infestations deeper into inaccessible spaces. This demands professional intervention from rodent removal services.

Myth #2: Rodents Only Contaminate Food They Directly Contact

Even if you successfully block a rodent's access to food storage, that doesn't prevent contamination. According to PestWeb, rats produce approximately 20 to 50 droppings per day, and mice produce approximately 40 to 100 per day. They deposit traces of urine constantly. Both substances harbor dangerous pathogens that are easily spread through dust, fabrics, box surfaces, and more. Air currents circulate particles throughout living spaces, creating widespread contamination hazards until they are completely removed.

Myth #3: Traps Effectively Control Rodent Populations

It's tempting to believe placing a few traps will swiftly end a rodent problem. Unfortunately, their rapid reproductive cycle quickly compensates for losses. Close rodent relatives reach sexual maturity just weeks after birth and reproduce rapidly. Without eliminating environmental factors attracting infestations, DIY traps barely dent exponentially growing populations. This level of infestation control requires professional pest management and rodent removal.

Myth #4: Occasional Sightings Are No Cause For Concern

Assuming a stray rodent sighting here and there is harmless severely underestimates how quickly new infestations establish. According to WebMD, every year, female mice can have up to 35 babies. Since rodents hide expertly within homes, occasional sightings likely indicate sizable established colonies necessitating professional removal.

Rodents threaten households in ways small critters seemingly shouldn't. But underestimating them places your family's health and home at risk. Protect yourself and your loved ones by acting promptly at the slightest sign of infestation. If you suspect you have mice or other rodents living in your home, Essential Pest Control can help you determine why they are there, get rid of them, and help prevent them from coming back. Contact us now to get started.

How Weeds Grow and How to Stop Them

Weeds can be a nuisance. They can take over a garden in weeks, quickly transforming it from excellent to an eyesore. No one likes weeds, but for many homeowners, they seem impossible to eliminate. Enacting an effective weed control strategy starts with understanding how weeds grow. Let's take a look.


Weeds start with seeds. These seeds are spread through wind or from other weeds. Then, they slowly take root in the soil and grow, just like the seeds from flowers or vegetables. Once the seeds grow into weeds, the weeds will continue to germinate.


Many weeds survive by using the nutrients in the soil that are supposed to go to your garden. According to the Weed Science Society of America, over 240 weed species are allelopathic, which means their chemicals can negatively impact the growth of nearby plants. Once those plants are dead, that leaves more nutrients for the weeds.


There are various types of weed control products that will kill the weeds in your garden while protecting the plants you want to be growing there. However, keep in mind that attempting to use these products on your own can have disastrous results. Working with qualified professionals is essential to ensure you don't accidentally kill your plants.


If you only have one or two weeds in your garden, you can pull them out. That can help delay the spread of weeds. You have to grab weeds at the bottom of the plant towards the ground to ensure you pull the root out. If you leave the root in the ground, the weed will regrow. While you can pull visible weeds out yourself, you'll need to utilize professional weed control services for all the seeds that will still grow.


Mulching is a common way to prevent weeds before they arise. Putting a layer of mulch in your flower beds ensures that sunlight doesn't reach the ground. Some people use black garden paper underneath mulch as an additional layer of protection. This ensures the seeds in your yard can't develop roots and thrive.

We understand that weeds can be a hassle. These plants are an eyesore, and they can also hurt the surrounding plants. Our professional team at Essential Pest Control can help you tackle your weed problem to keep your garden healthy and beautiful. Contact us today to learn more.

How a Bee Infestation Can Damage Your Home

Bees are known for positively contributing to the ecosystem. They pollinate flowers and help the environment thrive. However, a bee infestation can wreak havoc on your home. There are several ways bees can cause damage to your house, making investing in bee removal services essential.

Property Value

A bee infestation can quickly decrease your property value. According to the World Animal Foundation, most bees can fly up to 15 mph. This can be a disaster when you're showing your property to close friends or potential buyers. Future buyers are less likely to offer when bees buzz around their heads. They'll also think about the cost of bee removal services.

Roof Damage

Bees love to create hives away from humans but still stay close to their food. This makes your gutters and the eaves of the roof the perfect place for their hive. However, bee hives get larger over time, putting additional weight on the channels. This can make them fall off resulting in costly repairs. Over time, debris and honey can build up around the hive, damaging roofing materials.

House Walls

Bees may consume wood on houses or burrow deep into them, creating more property damage and ensuring that your home will need work done. This can result in costly repairs. Over time, it can impact how energy efficient your home is, resulting in higher energy repairs. Not only will it damage your walls, but can also lead to bees flying around in your house. Bee removal is an effective way to give you peace of mind.

Debris and Honey

It's common for honey and debris to build up around the hive. This can cause damage to any structure with a bee hive, including trees, sheds, and porches. The excess damage to landscaping or structures can be expensive. As a homeowner, one of the last things you want to do is pay for necessary repairs. You need to call pest control as soon as you have an idea of a potential infestation.

Tree Damage

When bee hives grow in trees, they tend to accumulate honey. While some love won't hurt a tree, it's unsuitable for trees. Over time, the honey will accumulate, weakening areas of the tree. The additional honey will attract more insects, leading to more infestations.

Bees can produce honey and help gardens thrive. However, bee infestations can seriously damage your house, trees, and property. This can be more expensive than eliminating the bees before they cause damage. Essential pest control specializes in quality pest removals to give you peace of mind. Contact us when you're concerned about bee removal or any other pest control services.

How to Tell the Difference Between a Bee, Wasp, and Hornet

Have you noticed insects are buzzing around your home? Are you unsure if it's a wasp, or should you call a bee hive removal company? Here are ways to tell whether you have bees, hornets, or wasps.


One of the reasons why it's easy to mistake bees for hornets or wasps is due to a similar color. However, one color is a dead giveaway that you're not dealing with a bee. A bee is usually black and yellow, but it can be brown and yellow. However, you'll never see a bee that's white and black. If you see one that is white and black, it's either a hornet or a wasp.


According to National Geographic, as many as 30 thousand species of wasps are on the planet. You can quickly identify one by its elongated body and slim legs. A hornet can typically be even larger than a wasp, but both will have narrow waists. You know to call a bee hive removal company, when you see the rounder, furrier body shape of a bee, along with its stout legs.


You won't ever have to worry about a bee buzzing around your hamburger at a picnic. After all, bees are vegetarians and prefer to focus on honey. They usually buzz around flowers to collect the pollen, which helps make honey. However, hornets and wasps are carnivores, and some hornet species will even attack bees by ripping their heads off. Some can even eat other dangerous insects like the Black Widow!


Contrary to popular belief, a bee won't just randomly sting you. They're very gentle insects, and only attempt to sting you if they feel threatened, particularly around their hive. Plus, once they sting you, their stinger falls off putting their lives at risk. Hornets and wasps are the more aggressive insects and easily sting you more than one time since their stinger doesn't fall off as it does with the bee.

As a homeowner, you don't want to risk getting stung or hurt on your property. Bees, wasps, and hornets are essential to the ecosystem, but some pose more danger than others. Essential Pest Control is licensed and has an A rating with the Better Business Bureau, so we can always quickly identify which type of insect it is and remove it. Not only are we a bee hive removal company, but we work with many different types of pests. Whenever you have an invasion of insects, call us today for fast and reliable service.

Fire Ants – The Painful Sting

Description and Habits

The Fire Ant has a shiny bright red head and body with a black abdomen. These red ants build large mound nests that are flattened, irregular in shape, and between two and four square feet in size. They are commonly introduced into new areas through potted plants, shrubs and trees.

Fire Ant Habitat

Red imported fire ants usually nest in soil near structural foundations or in landscaping. Although these fire ants are often found outdoors, they can gain access to buildings through HVAC systems and AC units. If they manage to get inside, red ant bites can become an issue.

The threats they pose

The sting of a red imported fire ant is painful and often results in a raised welt that becomes a white pustule. Fire ants are very aggressive when their nest is disturbed. If provoked, they swarm on the perceived intruder, anchor themselves by biting to hold the skin stable, and then sting repeatedly, injecting a toxin alkaloid venom called solenopsin. We refer to this action as “stinging.”

If fire ants sting you, chances are you’ll know. They attack in swarms, racing up vertical surfaces (such as your leg) when their nests are disturbed. Each fire ant can sting several times. To identify fire ant stings, look for groups of swollen red spots that develop a blister on the top. Stings hurt, itch, and last up to a week. Some people have dangerous allergic reactions to stings and will need to seek immediate medical help.

Fire Ant Control

Prevention techniques include eliminating piles of lumber, brick, or other debris that could be possible nesting sites.  Landscape mulch should be at least 10-12 inches from the foundation and less than 2 inches thick.  Control often requires baits that ants take back to colony to share or direct insecticide application to the nesting sites.

Avoid Bed Bugs While Traveling

If there’s one thing every traveler dreads, it’s bed bugs. These pests may be small, but they’re frustratingly difficult to get rid of once you have them in your home. Unfortunately, it’s all too easy to pick up these unwanted travelers when you’re on the road. Here are some tips that will help you avoid inadvertently bringing bed bugs home with you.

Know what to look for.

While everybody knows that bed bugs should be avoided, not everybody knows what they look like or what evidence they leave behind. Telltale signs of the pests include brown-red stains, droppings that are black and dot-sized, and yellowish discarded shells. The bed bugs themselves are about the size and shape of an apple seed, but you often won’t see the actual bugs, as they are nocturnal and avoid light.

Always inspect hotel beds.

If you’re staying in a hotel, motel, or hostel, always check the bed for signs of bed bugs before sitting on it or placing your travel bags or clothing on it. Be sure that you inspect the mattress, the headboard, the sheets, the covers, and the pillows. If you see anything suspicious, don’t risk it! Instead, tell the staff of the hotel that you want a different room.

Keep your luggage safe.

Even if you don’t come into contact with bed bugs yourself, the pests can hitch a lift on your luggage. Never put down your suitcases until you’re sure you are in a bug-free zone. Here’s a tip: Bed bugs are less likely to be found in the bathroom, so keep your bags there while you do a quick room inspection.For the past 35 years, Essential Pest Control has been providing dependable pest control services to residents of Southern Arizona. If you are in need of bed bug removal in Tucson, Oro Valley, Marana, or another nearby areas, it’s time to get in touch with our pest control experts. You can reach us today by calling (520) 908-6251.